The Chamilo LMS homepage

The homepage is the first visible page. It contains the login form and a few other important elements.

Illustration 7: Homepage

Although your mileage may (and certainly will) vary, this is mostly what you should find on a Chamilo portal’s homepage:

  • The logo of your organization will always appear on the top left corner of the page. This can later be changed (check the admin guide for more info).

  • The blue bar (color may change depending on the stylesheet selected by your admin) contains the first elements of menu. This will change when you login or when the administrator ads new items to it.

  • The login block allows you to login, a very straightforward process (the administrator assigns permissions to users depending on the platform configuration).

  • It is possible to register on the platform using a simple form (Sign up! link).

  • In case you lose your password, a new one can be generated easily (using the I lost my password link).

  • Access to the Chamilo community's forum is provided through the Forum link in the Help box. This can be removed or edited by the administrator

  • A block with the most popular courses appear. This will be empty at the beginning (when no courses exist on the platform) or can later be removed by the administrator, in case you don’t want the public to know about the courses available on the platform.

Note : To view the courses with restricted access, you must be registered on the platform and must be subscribed by the course teacher, through the course users list.

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