Create an attendance sheet

To get started, click the Create a new attendance list icon :

Illustration 131: Attendances – New attendances form

Fill in the main title/description fields and tick if you wish to grade the attendances. If you do so you can select an assessment to link attendances to, write a column header for the report and add a

Illustration 132: Attendances – Intermediary step for dates creation

weighting to activities. Finally, click save and you will be prompted to add a time and date:

Selecting repeat date allows to you quickly generate a series dates and time for regular sessions e.g. weekly at 22.00 hrs. Click Save again to view a list of the dates chosen:

Illustration 133: Attendances calendar

These are fully editable (e.g. if one week is a holiday, delete) and, equally, you can add to the dates/times using the add a date and time icon in the toolbar. You can also clear the entire list of dates and times using the clear the calendar of all lists icon . To view the attendance sheet for the relevant activity click the Attendance sheet icon

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